Saturday, January 8, 2011

Learning Journal 2

Did you know that the good old HBLL actually has quite a lot of articles and books about African dance, and especially Ghanaian dance? Well, they do! How do I know? Because I spent my Friday afternoon looking up as many books as I could. Now it just comes to reading them.

I know it's going to be a lot of reading but I know that if I keep my mind open, I'll be able to pick up on how to make my project more defined. I know I want to study dance, and try to figure out why the dancing in Ghana is changing-- WHAT is it that is driving the change.

Just in reading the assignment for Monday, ideas came to my mind. What if I focus on the difference in dance for men and women, and how that reflects the roles of men/women in the society. Does it reinforce those distinct and different societal roles or does it allow them to break free from them?

Or, what about studying the history of dance in terms of a political movement. Has it even been one? I would need to do more research on that one. I know in many countries, music has been a form of revolution-- was it that way in Ghana? Did dance have anything to do with that?

I was given some hope when I read "more typically, you'll attempt to make sense out of an ongoing process that cannot be predicted in advance". OKAY GOOD! so, in a way, it's okay that I'm not sure what to write on right now, but if I read enough about the history of Ghana and dance, if I listen to enough Ghanaian music, if I watch enough African dance... perhaps I can have some research set before I even set foot in Ghana.

..... I'm finally making headway on the research side of things. I emailed the professor at UVU who I was told could help me. She then referred me to a friend she knew who lived in Utah Valley, was from Ghana, and is an artist. I'm hoping he can help me!! I've also gotten some names of contacts that I can visit when I get there.... already got some interviewees :) (now I just need questions for them to answer!) As far as reading goes, I'm getting there. Trying to sort out through all the different books to find which ones will really help me is the hard part.

My topic is starting to take a life of its own, I feel like. What direction it will go? I do not know but I have a feeling it's going to be a different emphasis than I originally thought!

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