Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Learning Journal #21

Reviewing my IRB proposal last Friday was extremely helpful! (Thanks Jay, Hailey, and Elizabeth for your suggestions). One thing Jay asked me was why I was using school-aged kids... and if I should only use them? Basically, he wanted to know my reasoning behind who I was using.

Here's my answer: I seriously considered only interviewing school kids but then I realized that the older we get, the clearer our identity becomes. Teenagers are easily influenced by their surroundings. This will be great when studying the dance environment but on the other hand, I need to talk with people who already have a solid identity. That is where the older groups come in-- they know who they are.

Another point that was brought up in my IRB reviewing session was the problem of being able to convey my thoughts onto paper. This has been a really good experience- this prep class- in formulating ideas and being able to articulate them. I haven't been the best at it but I truly hope I am improving!

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So the IRB proposal will be sent off on Friday, hopefully to be accepted (hey, at least accepted with changes!) This is just one more step in me going to Ghana becoming a reality in my mind.... I get my shots tomorrow and that will be even worse reality shock!

The closer my trip becomes, the more anxious and excited my heart gets; heck, even writing right now, I can feel my heart beginning to race! Everything seems to be lining up... the IRB proposal, my project, even my language skills (we had our midterm in TWI today and I think I did okay.... We're all starting to get the hang of the language). I know I still have a LONG way to go but the readings will continue, course contracts will be made and questions formed.

GHANA.... you better be ready for me cause I'm a-coming in ....... 50 DAYS!!! AHH!!!! (I'm going to see if I can start a countdown on this blog!)

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